Wednesday, August 11, 2010

❤★♥♫♥¸.•**•❤★"Walking gets too boring when you learn how to fly♥♫♥¸.•**•♥♫♥

I have been at Seraph's house for the past two weeks and I have loved spending time with her. I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a wonderful sister. I also have been blessed with great friends. And when you're away from those people you begin to truly realize who your true friends are. The ones that actually try to keep in touch. The ones who ask how you are. I am so grateful to have those people in my life. I love them forever.
So, while I have been out in Utah I have grown accustom to dry heat, mountain views, and bagpipe players. Yes, I said bagpipe players. Seraph has one in her building. Awesome. I have also realized how scared I am for school. And yes, everyone keeps saying that I'll only be three hours from home and I have family down there etc. And I am grateful for all of that, but it's still scary. My greatest fear is failing. This will be a year of new discoveries and letdowns. I want to succeed so badly. And I know that is up to me. The ball is in my court. The success of my life is up to me. I determine what kind of life I lead.
Wow...I think I just gave myself a pep talk while writing my blog. I'm a woman of many talents. Blog therapy...It's the latest.
Speaking of therapy, I think that is something I want to pursue. That sounds off....No, I mean as a career. I don't know what specifically. But Seraph and I had a talk about how I am always a listener. And yes, I know I'm a talker too so stop rolling your eyes. But I really love listening to other people. I love helping others solve their problems. I want to help people. This may be the way I do that. I guess we'll just have to see. :)

Quote of the day:
Seraph: I just wanna do the good deed and get it over with. Wait...
(Seraph really is one of the most charitable people I have ever met. She is an amazingly caring person <3>

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