Thursday, June 17, 2010

All By Myself

Today was my first day without my sister here. And I just have to say that telling her goodbye at the airport was one of the hardest things that I have done in a long time. I am not one to cry, but when she went through security and rounded the corner so I couldn't see her anymore I pretty much lost it. I was walking through the Ghetto part of Reagan National Airport crying. All sorts of people were staring at me. I must've looked like a bad TV Drama. But hey, thats my life. But I officially have a ticket to go to Utah on July 28. I will be with my Fee-Fee again soon. :)
Nothing else really happened today. I mean, I had fun with friends, but it won't interest anyone that wasn't with me today. So I am off to bed.
Love You Seraph (Fee-Fee)

Quote of the day: (discussing weights and body types with Brittany and Rachel)
Greta: I have sexy curves. They're just sideways...

1 comment:

  1. I am just now seeing this post (haven't been on the computer in the last couple of days)...and my eyes are all teary. It's SO sweet! I miss you TONS and can't wait for my SPRINKLES to get out here. I love you!!!!!
