Friday, June 18, 2010

"Seniorita! Seniorita! Donde estas!?"

I just got home from seeing Toy Story 3. There was not a single person under the age of 16 in that theatre. I felt very grown up. Each person in that theatre reverted back to the age they were the first Toy Story came out. It was such a beautiful thing to witness.
movie was, hands down, the best movie I have ever seen. Action, romance, comedy, betrayal, horror, sentiment, and an ending that no one could ever see coming!
I was soooooo satisfied.I have some new favorite Characters too! <3
Some of the things they did in that movie....I just sat there grinning thinking, "Because they're PIXAR and they CAN!" I won't give anything that could spoil the movie, but the moment you see it you must text me your favorite quote. It's required.
Watching that movie brought so many childhood memories back. It was great. If you're ever going to take a trip down memory lane make sure you take Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and Mr. Pricklepants. Best life decision that could be made. I implore everyone in the free world to go see that movie. Nothing bad could come from seeing it. ONLY HAPPINESS!

Quotes of the Day:
Woody: [Woody looks around, the other toys are still frozen] Pssst! Hey! Hello! Hi. Excuse me...
Mr. Pricklepants: Shh!
he freezes]
Woody: Can you tell me where I am?
Mr. Pricklepants: Shhh!
he freezes again]
Buttercup: The guy's just asking a question.
Mr. Pricklepants: Well, excuse me! I am trying to stay in character!
Buttercup: [to Woody] My name's Buttercup.
Mr. Pricklepants: [at Buttercup] Shh!
Trixie: Hello! I'm Trixie!
Mr. Pricklepants: [at Trixie] Shhh!
Trixie: [back at him] Shhh!
Woody: [waves his arms] Guys, hey! Guys, look, I don't know where I am...
Trixie: We're either in a café in Paris or a coffee shop in New Jersey. I'm pretty sure I just came back from the doctor with life-changing news.
Buttercup: We do a lot of improv here. Just stay loose, have fun - you'll be fine!

Woody: [in Bonnie's room] Look, I just need to get out of here...
Buttercup: [dramatically] There is no way out!
Woody stares at him in horror]
Buttercup: Just kidding. Door's right over there.

1 comment:

  1. We saw it yesterday. AMAZING! :) Parker even sat there and watched all but the last 15 minutes of it. :)
