Alright, here it goes. I haven't blogged in forever, but my siblings have been bugging me about it so I'm back! College is going well, it is just very busy. I am in the schools production of Trojan Women which opens at the end of this month. It is a redone version with all original music! It is going to be amazing. It is a very interesting experience. The stage will have water and sand and dirt and AHH! I cannot get over how cool that is. If people can come and see it that would make my life :) So other than that I have just been going to classes and hanging out with friends. I adore my roommates and the girl that has become attached to my hip, Morgann. Yesterday a friend of ours made the comment, while we were separated, that he did not recognize me without Morgann standing next to me. I love it. Well, this can't be much longer because I am off to Walmart to buy college-y things. But I will update again soon. I promise Seraph <3
Thought of the day: Start every morning with dance party :)
Greta Marie
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
❤★♥♫♥¸.•**•❤★"Walking gets too boring when you learn how to fly♥♫♥¸.•**•♥♫♥
I have been at Seraph's house for the past two weeks and I have loved spending time with her. I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a wonderful sister. I also have been blessed with great friends. And when you're away from those people you begin to truly realize who your true friends are. The ones that actually try to keep in touch. The ones who ask how you are. I am so grateful to have those people in my life. I love them forever.
So, while I have been out in Utah I have grown accustom to dry heat, mountain views, and bagpipe players. Yes, I said bagpipe players. Seraph has one in her building. Awesome. I have also realized how scared I am for school. And yes, everyone keeps saying that I'll only be three hours from home and I have family down there etc. And I am grateful for all of that, but it's still scary. My greatest fear is failing. This will be a year of new discoveries and letdowns. I want to succeed so badly. And I know that is up to me. The ball is in my court. The success of my life is up to me. I determine what kind of life I lead.
Wow...I think I just gave myself a pep talk while writing my blog. I'm a woman of many talents. Blog therapy...It's the latest.
Speaking of therapy, I think that is something I want to pursue. That sounds off....No, I mean as a career. I don't know what specifically. But Seraph and I had a talk about how I am always a listener. And yes, I know I'm a talker too so stop rolling your eyes. But I really love listening to other people. I love helping others solve their problems. I want to help people. This may be the way I do that. I guess we'll just have to see. :)
Quote of the day:
Seraph: I just wanna do the good deed and get it over with. Wait...
(Seraph really is one of the most charitable people I have ever met. She is an amazingly caring person <3>
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Day Two of Disney! Magic Kingdom
Photographer: Jump....NOW!
I was the first person to get a picture with the White Rabbit that day :)
Right on time.
This is the Pirate Goofy that hit on Aryah and me.
The Magic of Disney.
I had so much fun in the Park that day. Aryah and I have great timing! We always made it to the rides just as the lines were at their smallest. We made new friends so we got to jump lines and get free fast passes! It was amazing! I would go again tomorrow in a heartbeat.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
And Life Goes On
So since I last posted I've gone to Florida, gone home, and flown to Utah. My trip to Florida was great. Most of the time was spent in Disney land. Here are some of the pictures.
Meeting our first set of Disney Characters!
Getting stuck on the Everest Ride. In the Mountain with the YETI!
Well my blog is being ridiculous so I thing I'm just going to do My Florida trip in daily installments. So keep up! <3
Saturday, July 3, 2010
I Swear If I Run Into A Tree...
This past week was my first time going to girls camp as a leader. Or craft lady. Or stand-in YCL. Or ..... I don't know. But I went and it was great. I set out on this adventure with Mom and Bergen. The adventure of CRAFT LADIES! The three of us had a blast. And it was a true joy to have Kinsey there stopping by the craft cabin from time to time.
We arrived on Monday and within 30 minutes I was soaked through to the skin. Mom and Bergen were of course fine.
Generally the week is a haze of shrinky-dinks, beads, and yarn. Oh! And ducks.
I'll just put some of the most memorable moments up:
(Mom and Dad arguing about Dad taking mom the the craft cabin in a wagon so she won't have to walk)
Dad: We can argue for a long time or you can just get in.
Thursday night:
(In the craft cabin with Mom and Bergen while they paint ducks)
Greta: I'm afraid I've been thinking. A dangerous pass time. I know. It's more than I can bear! More beer? What for? Nothing helps.
Mom: I think she's skipping things.
Greta: We named the dog Indiana. You were named after the dog? I had a lot of good times with that dog.
Bergen: Greta, you're off!
(Bergen and Greta walking from the Craft cabin in Camp C to the Infirmary in a camp so far away that it didn't get a letter late late at night)
Bergen: Do you have a flashlight?
Greta: Nope. Do you?
Bergen: Nope.
Greta: Lets do this.
(We're walking we're walking. Pitch Black)
Greta: Good thing I've got this camp memorized.
Bergen: I swear if I run into a tree *Wham!*
Greta: Sorry.
(Greta in a LR 1 Cabin with Sister Gray)
Sis: What's your shirt say? Glood ding?
Greta: Blood Donor?
Sis: That does not look like blood donor.
Greta: GLOOD DING! It's my newest thing!
(Late at night trying to pick up crafts)
Greta: Some kid painted a whole plate blue! Really!? Whose that bored!?
Bergen: These kids are so stupid! Ugh!.....Oh shoot. They're right outside.
Saturday Morning:
Greta: You know when you have a song stuck in your head, but you can't remember the words so you start adding your own? Well I have the "Tally me Bananas" song in my head.
(Singing) ~A nice bikini and a french banana!~
Bergen: How do you have all these random songs stuck in your head?
Greta: How do you not?
Bergen: Greta, you're off!
Greta: What is with my sisters telling me that I'm "off"? What are they on that I'm not!?
Camp was a great way to get my summer started and I cannot wait for the rest of summer!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
•♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥*•.Music To My Ears¸¸♥¸¸.•*¨*•♪♫•*¨*•.¸♪♫•
Today was spent cleaning and cleaning. Nothing of much consequence happened until around 11:30 PM. The church Open House was over and Mom, Dad, Bergen, and I were home alone.
Now Picture this:
Dad is laying on the long couch in the living room already dead to the world.
Mom is lounging in her big green chair with her legs kicked up.
I am laying on the little couch curled up in a ball.
Bergen comes in and collapses on the floor.
THEN Mom proceeds to do a sort of roll off the chair and onto the floor in the same position as Bergen.
That image in and of itself is hysterical.
After a while mom starts mumbling to herself:
"I remember why I don't lay on the floor like this. Ever. It hurts. I'm in pain."
Greta: You're in pain?
Mama: It's killing me!
After more time passed I ended up on the floor so I could better imitate mom.
The rest of the evening included my imitations of the Youtube Videos "Tracy" and "Bonquiqui" and the family favorite real life talent: Mrs. Montanari! Bergen then stated with a surprised tone "Greta, you're funny...!"
And now at 1:20 AM I am crawling into bed.
Since I started blogging even more has happened. I heard a huge THUD and after typing a few more words I ran into the hall and asked "Who died!?"
Mama: Nobody.
Greta: What broke?
Mama: The toilet.
Greta: Bergen broke the toilet!?
Mama: No, she didn't break it. She dropped it.
Greta: What have I told you Bergen? Don't drop the toilet.
I would say that this has been a very successful evening in the Goesch Home. These are the kinds of nights for which I live. I love the sound of laughter. It is the best sound in the world....even if slightly ridiculous. Regardless, I love any excuse to make others laugh and experience joy.
Quote of the Day:
(Dad passed out on the couch, Greta laying on the floor)
Greta: Dad I have a very serious question to ask you?
Dad: No. You're not attractive.
Greta: But let me try it this time! (Does the alligator thing. If you don't know what that means ask about it later)
Dad: You freak.
Greta: No one's gonna marry me!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I Love The Way You Lie
So I haven't posted in a few days, but here I am again.
So last Saturday I went on a Scavenger Hunt for my friend's seventeenth birthday. It was a blast! Our team was the PURPLE PUMA'S! We were the best! We scored in the 600's and the other teams were in the 300's. Can you say "OWNED!" We were brilliant!
Entire team in a pool.
Entire team making Poker Faces
Syphoning water out of a public toilet. EW!
The Puma Family
There are many more pictures that I will add later, but my computer won't let me right now.
So, as to the title of this post. It is just a song that I have fallen in love with. It fits the way I have been feeling recently. In life we constantly allow others to walk all over us because we care about them. And we care about them so much that there is no way that they couldn't care just as much as we do. We make excuse after excuse and eventually we just have to say "enough." And be done with it. Each person learns this in their own time and in their own way. I'm still learning it. And will probably not grasp the full lesson for a long time. But am going to do my best.
Quote of the Day:
Rachel Feola: You're so pretty Greta.
Greta: That's what people usually say to me, when they wanna tell me I'm stupid.
Rachel Feola: You're so pretty Greta.
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